Baker Andrew is *still* on hiatus, unfortunately, but I have tried to lure him back into the kitchen by buying Massachusetts-grown wheat! (And maybe when temperatures drop below 90, we will be willing to turn on the oven...) The girls at
Boston Localvores recently volunteered to drive to White Oak Farm in Belchertown, Massachusetts to pick up shares of organically-grown grains. On a crazy whim, I ordered 25 pounds of unground wheat, and immediately had buyer's remorse! During the weeks before the wheat arrived, I had time to research storage, grinding, and baking with this stuff, and ordered a
small hand grinder from a shop in Utah. By some divine coincidence, the wheat and the grinder arrived within days of each other, and Susan and I set to caring for our wheat immediately. The first task was to store it properly: it needs to be kept cool and dry so it won't mold or sprout, so we bought large glass jars with seals and tucked it in the pantry.

Next, it needs to be ground, so we tried out the grinder - it's a bit of an arm workout, but produced several fluffy cups of flour in mere minutes!

Now, it needs to be eaten...Susan and Tim have already made homemade pita bread on the grill, and I will attempt my no-knead recipe today. Hopefully the smell and bliss of homemade bread will help quell my fears about keeping all this grain!
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